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Mod Cosmos

Server Update Log #33

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Greetings WarScapians,

Today's updates include some client updates such as more new items, NPC's & more!

Simply re-run your launcher to apply all updates which are as follows:

NEW Group Boss:

Zalcano (level-936)


Zalcano is a great source of Crystal keys (common drop) and also drops Flaming armour, Totems & more as rare rewards:

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Zalcano respawns every 60 seconds (same as Penance Queen) and you must deal 100 damage to receive a reward

Players can now imbue Ganodermic (e) armour:


Ganodermic armour (e) (i) offers 200% damage bonus compared to 150% from the regular (e) set

This requires the NEW Ganodermic enhancement kit which can be received from Trials of Verzik (Raid) as a rare reward, or from the point store:


Tomb Raids (Minigame) has been significantly revamped:

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50M coins for a 3 hour raid will reward you with 20k-50k blood money, a WarScape Mystery box, and a 1 in 10 chance to receive a Blood Mystery Box or Ultra Mystery Box

250M coins for a 1 hour raid will reward you with 30k-75k blood money, a WarScape Mystery box, and a 1 in 3 chance to receive a Blood Mystery Box or Ultra Mystery Box, with a 1 in 30 chance to receive a Majestic Mystery Box

500M coins for a 30 minute raid will reward you with 40k-100k blood money, a WarScape Mystery box, with a GUARANTEED chance for a Ultra Mystery Box, and a 1 in 8 chance to receive a Majestic Mystery Box

More Updates:

Infernal defender (i), Blood defender (i) and Golden defender (i) are now significantly better than the un-imbued versions:

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Players will now receive 1 additional vote point (or ticket) per vote (LIMITED TIME)

Group Iron Man accounts can now have teams of 6 players (was 4)

It now costs only 700 Crystal keys to fight Ultra M'boxes

New players will now receive +10 safe lives on their first login

New players will now receive 100 purple sweets on their first login

Players can now have a Crystal totem in their inventory instead of having to wear it to collect the additional Crystal keys from the effect (wearing it still offers the effect as well)

Players can now use ::cancelmytask to cancel Slayer tasks for 1M coins (::canceltask for Donators still works)

More Magic runes have been added to Crystal key chest rewards for Iron man accounts

Players must now deal 50 damage against Solak for a reward (was 10)

Players must now deal 100 damage against the Penance Queen for a reward (was 10)

Players must now deal 100 damage against the Night Terror for a reward (was 200)


More to come!

- Mod Cosmos

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Great update, Cosmos! Cannot wait to get home from work and get some grinding in!

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Some great rebalancing updates right there. Thanks for the frequent updates, love the focus on new players!

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