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Mod Cosmos

Server Update Log #27

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Greetings WarScapians,

Today's updates include some client updates such as more new items, NPC's & more!

Simply re-run your launcher to apply all updates which are as follows:

2 New Bosses:

Raiden (level-737)


Raiden drops Ganodermic armour (e) which is a hybrid armour, offering high-tier stats and effects for Magic and Melee:


Raiden drops a Saradomin enhancement kit which can be used to imbue a Saradomin blade ice:


Raiden drops Raiden's ring (which can be imbued with a Ring enhancement kit) that allows you to levitate:



Lord Zamorak (level-1066)


Lord Zamorak drops a Flaming enhancement kit to imbue your Flaming armour:


Lord Zamorak drops Zamorak's sword (infernal) which matches the stats/speed Saradomin blade (ice):


Lord Zamorak drops Flaming boots which are a higher-tier boots than Infernal boots for Melee:


A Zone Manager has been added to the following bosses to offer 2 additional zones per boss:


Spirit of Guthix

Corrupt Old Man

Ancient Olm


Lord Zamorak

A NEW version of the Corrupt Old Man has been added to Zone #2 for the Corrupt Old Man:


This version drops the Sorrow robe set (blood) which is higher tier than Tetsu:


More to come!

- Mod Cosmos

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