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Mod Cosmos

Server Update Log #48

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Greetings WarScapians,

Today's updates include some client updates such as more new items, NPC's & more!

Simply re-run your launcher (or download the updated client) to apply all updates which are as follows:

Hespori (Skilling Boss) now drops a NEW Nature orb:


Nature orbs are used to imbue Skilling pets, currently including Hespori, Beaver pets and Rock Golem pets

Players also have a 1 in 150,000 chance of receiving a Nature orb when woodcutting any tree (15x as rare as a Bond of luck while Woodcutting for comparison)

The NEW Beaver (i) pet will convert all future Beaver pets into coins (10M-20M currently)


The NEW Rock Golem (i) pet will convert all future Rock Golem pets into coins (10M-20M currently)


The NEW Hespori (i) pet gives a 1:25 chance to receive Nature Sweets when Woodcutting any tree



Players can now use an Imbue orb (From Global Bosses) to imbue Abomination pets



Players can now use a Orb of Damage on a Destruction Enhancement Kit to create a NEW Orb of Destruction


This requires 3 Orbs of Damage, 1 Destruction Enhancement Kit, and 10th Prestige in Crafting



Torva (enhanced) set now has a NEW effect: 1:5 chance to heal to maximum hitpoints + 21 hitpoints

This means if you're 99 hitpoints, you have a 1:5 chance per hit to heal to 120 hitpoints in battle



Scythe of dread (master) (i) now has a 1:5 chance to heal to maximum hitpoints + 21 hitpoints when it's existing heal effect activates

It's existing heal effect (heals to maximum hitpoints) is a 1:3 chance per hit, thus making the chance to heal to 120 hitpoints a 1:15 chance per hit


We're open to suggestions as to which items should also offer a boosted hitpoint effect, be sure to let us know!


More Updates:

Removed spam-messages from certain pet perks (Golden Hydras, Master Hydras, etc.)

Further buffed Zaryte bow (i) & Bougie bow (infernal) (i)


More to come!

- Mod Cosmos

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