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Mod Cosmos

Server Update Log #46

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Greetings WarScapians,

Today's updates consist of several quality of life improvements, new items, perks & more which are as follows:


ALL Event Bosses (Enraged Tarn, Corrupt Skotizo, Anti-Santa, etc.) now have 25,000 hitpoints (were 7k-7.5k each)
Donators+ now have ::eventboss command to teleport to event bosses instantly
Solak (Boss Teleport) now gives Boss points, PvM points & Crystal keys from Crystal totems
Seren (i) pet has been buffed

Seren (Global Boss) now drops the NEW Sanguinesti staff (master)


This staff is the new BIS weapon for Magic

Destruction boots buffed by +20 Str (now +75 Str)
Destruction gauntlets buffed by +20 Str (now +75 Str)
Flamings Wings can now be transformed into Destruction Wings using a Destruction Enhancement Kit
Master icon now properly provides the Wealth icon effect of 250k-500k additional coins per boss kill
Wealth icon now offers +10% drop bonus (was 0%)
Master icon now offers +15% drop bonus (was 0%)
Swordfish & lobs in consumables shop replaced with monkfish and sharks
All regular stalls now give
1 Coin pouch (10K) (stackable) per thieve along with the item being thieved
Coin Pile Thieving Stall now gives 1 Coin pouch (50k) (stackable) per thieve (was 25k)

Coil Pile Thieving Stall no longer has a chance of dealing damage when looting
Thieving Skill random event interface (prevents Afking) increased to
1 in 250 chance of appearing (was 1 in 100)

Adamant dragons no longer give boss points

Mithril seeds added to ::dz Donator Shop for 1M coins each

Legendary Donator Update:

Legendary Donators now have infinite safe lives
NEW Golden Coins pile added to ::edz for Legendary Donators that reward 1 Coin pouch (100k) per thieve


NEW Blood Chest added to ::edz for Legendary Donators that takes you to an area to spawn instanced bosses

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End-game Orbs Update:

Players can now stack Orbs of Damage damage effects by having up to 3 Orbs of Damage in their inventory
1 Orb of Damage will provide +100% dmg, 2 will provide +125% dmg, 3 will provide +150% dmg

Players can now stack Orbs of Mastery damage effects by having up to 3 Orbs of Mastery in their inventory
1 Orb of Mastery will provide +100% dmg, 2 will provide +125% dmg, 3 will provide +150% dmg


Staff Team Update:
Fixed ::jail for Moderators+ so that jailing players will move them to a new basement jail that you cannot teleport out of
If a player is jailed, when their jail timer runs out they will be moved out of jail automatically when attempting to walk


We are also now hosting a DONATION SALE for the next 3 days! ALL funds collected from this sale will go towards new advertisements & YouTube videos. Thank you all for your continued support!


More to come!

- Mod Cosmos

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